
This is the biggest cheat code in business/life. Use this to your advantage.

Adam swingin’ by again…

If you’ve consumed my content for more than 37 seconds, you’ve likely heard me yap about this before.

Your environment.

If you surround yourself with 5 losers, you’ll be the sixth.

If you surround yourself with 5 complainers, you’ll be the sixth.


If you surround yourself with 5 millionaires, you’ll be the sixth.

Who you associate with matters.

You might need to limit (or eliminate) time with people close to you. Yes, this includes family.

Back in 2015, I “met” a lady ona  Facebook group.

Her and I were just getting into the Shopify crazy.

We struck up a friendship in the DMs.

In January 2016, she came to Vegas for an marekting conference.

We finally got to meet in person.

She still in the eCom game.

In fact, she won a Two Comma Club Award from Click Funnels (a million dollar funnel) by GIVING AWAY a t-shirt!

Yes, she had a free + shipping offer for a t-shirt back in 2020 and killed it with Facebook ads.


She and I chatted for FOUR hours on the phone last night!

We talked about life, being single parents, and entrepreneurship.

We chat on the phone 2-3 times a year, and motivate/inspire each.

Having other entrepreneur friends is good for your mental health, as this is a lonely game.

In a way, we coach each other as we’re sharing our insights, cheering each other on, and holding each other accountable.

I cannot recommend it enough.

I talk about my buddies Conrad and Dale in these emails often.

Conrad lives here in Vegas, and I’ve known him for a decade now.

Dale is from Canada, and we’ve been buddies for 5 or 6 years now.

Met both these dudes online, and we were “internet friends” for years before we met in real life.

Surround yourself with other entrepreneurs.

We’re a different/rare breed.

It’s hard having conversations with your spouse/friends who aren’t entrepreneurs.

So find some to connect with online.

Reach out via DM.

Hop on a call with them.

See where it goes.

I’ve been doing this for years, and it’s made me a better person, man and entrepreneur.

If you’re a Dad, come join us inside the Facebook group: Dadprenuer Freedom.

That is the purpose of this group.

To have conversations about being a Dad and an entrepreneur, openly and honestly.

For other Dads to cheer you on, and hold you accountable.


When you’re ready, here are a few ways I can help you….

  1. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel (600+ videos)
  2. Take my 48 hour eBook Challenge – Get PAID to write and publish your own ebook. Take the Challenge Today
  3. Join the Create30 Challenge – Publish one Tik Tok a day. Get daily email prompts for video ideas. Stop Planning. Start Publishing

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet