My biggest ‘regret’

I put ‘regret’ in quotes, as I don’t really have regrets. 

In life or business. 

Even that fateful day, February 8th, 2000, when I got busted selling weed. 

And spent 15 days in jail. 

It was a lesson I needed to learn. 

Looking back on it, I’m grateful it happened. 


If I could turn back the hands of time when it comes to business, I would have done one thing from day one;

Build my email list

You’ve likely heard it 3,821 times before that the “money is in the list”

In 2021, it’s a whole lot easier to build an email list than it was a decade ago. 

In my latest YouTube video, I reveal 3 F-R-E-E powerful ways to build an email list. 

3 F-R-E-E Ways to Build an Email List FAST

One of the platforms I reveal is underutilized and not talked about enough. 

In fact, I haven’t posted here since August of 2019. 

Last month my content was seen 1,800 times. 

Content that I published years ago is still working for me today. 

There’s no reason you couldn’t take advantage of this platform like I have in the past. 

It does not involve making videos or anything like that. 

It’s perfect for introverts. 

===> Check out the video here

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Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet

Download Your Semi-Passive Income Cheatsheet